Bad Trips Abroad

Bad things do happen to people while travelling and we’re going to tell their stories.

BAD TRIPS ABROAD profiles travellers who have experienced misfortune, and shares their experiences first-hand. We’ll show what happens when the trip of a lifetime turns into a nightmare, and what it takes to land on your feet.

In BAD TRIPS ABROAD no subject is off limits. Through the recounting of misadventures after a safe return back home, we’ll cover life-changing events from getting shot, stabbed, and robbed to being jailed and lost at sea.

Sound unreal?

It’s not, and it’s time to get the word out about what can happen, how to survive, and get yourself back home—safe and sound.

Some unlucky people just have bad things happen to them while travelling, others often bring the trouble upon themselves.

From simply doing dumb things when away from home, to more serious misfortune, BAD TRIPS ABROAD will cover it all.